Sidewalk Counseling
Babies are saved when Christians act like Christians. Get involved. Contact Life and Liberty Ministries at 804-492-9216 or March 24, 2011 Baby saved at RMCW. Verla counseled with a woman who was coming for an abortion. She changed her...
2006 to 2008 - Partial List of Babies Saved Due to Sidewalk Counseling in Richmond Virginia
Babies are saved when Christians act like Christians. Get involved. Contact Life and Liberty Ministries at 804-492-9216 or December 20, 2008 Baby saved at RMCW. November 12, 2008 Baby saved at RMCW. I spoke to a couple as they...
2000 - 2005 - Partial List of Babies Saved Due to Sidewalk Counseling in Richmond Virginia
Babies are saved when Christians act like Christians. Get involved. Contact Life and Liberty Ministries at 804-492-9216 or
1990's - Partial List of Babies Saved Due to Sidewalk Counseling in Richmond Virginia
Babies are saved when Christians act like Christians. Get involved. Contact Life and Liberty Ministries at 804-492-9216 or
Mothers bring their unborn babies to places to have them killed. Most of the babies die after being cut to pieces in various ways. Others have their brains sucked out first while they are alive, so that their undamaged organs...
Preparing for Sidewalk Counseling
Spiritual Preparation Overcoming fear is the biggest challenge to people starting out in sidewalk counseling. After awhile you’ll wonder why you were afraid when you first started, especially when you come to understand how desperately these mothers need your help....
Sidewalk counseling is a highly intense verbal interaction between you and a mother who is about to deliver her unborn child over to death. Your goal is to persuade her to keep her baby. You learned about abortion and the...
Getting Her to Stop and Talk to You
Getting the mother or the aborting couple to stop and talk to you is easily the hardest of all sidewalk counseling tasks and without doubt the most important. Sidewalk counseling starts only when you have an opportunity to talk...
The question most often asked by new-comers to sidewalk counseling is, “How do you begin? what does one say?” It is an important one. Many factors are involved in the answer. Here are some: The kinds of people you...
Dialogue: You must have a two way conversation Questions are ideal for getting conversations going and obtaining information. A good technique is to end whatever you’re saying with a question. “Right now you’re carrying a little baby that will...
If you get away from the door and meet the mother as she comes to the abortion mill, you will have more time to speak to her while walking along with her on the way back. What follows takes...
The Dynamics of Sidewalk Counseling
Dynamics because you are flexible The word “dynamics” has not been chosen by accident. Rather it aptly describes the process of verbal interaction that occurs. In this process you guess about a given situation, ask questions to confirm or reject...
Sidewalk Counseling Handbook "PART 1"
1. WE HAVE TO CHANGE THE WAY WE THINK As a pro-lifer, what is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word "abortion"? Death? Kill? Baby? Fear? Sorrow? Pain? Anger?...
Sidewalk Counseling Handbook "PART 2"
Other Equipment to Have Ready And How to Use It A. Picture of "David" Everybody says, "Oh, Karen's against using pictures of aborted babies." I'm not against using pictures of aborted babies. It's the manner in which the woman receives...
Sidewalk Counseling Handbook "PART 3"
10. WE'RE NOT CALLED TO BE SUCCESSFUL -- WE'RE CALLED TO BE OBEDIENT But, remember, male or female, young or old, we can't save every baby. We can't spare every mom, as much as we want to. I had to...
Special Situations in Counseling Aborting couples in automobiles It’s a good idea to approach people in automobiles before they exit the car. To do so is to get a head start on talking to them. If you can capture...
Dealing with pro-aborts Pro-aborts are misguided souls who are intent upon interfering with your saving work. They couldn’t care less about abortion one way or the other, but feel they must thwart you because you represent all that they...
Tools for the Sidewalk Counselor...
Legal Aid for the Sidewalk Counselor
Most people choose to write their member of Congress. Public officials know that every letter they receive represents many others of similar opinion, but who have not taken the time to write. It is far more effective than e-mail and...